Keep your practice and your practice services fresh in the minds of your patients.
How does an email newsletter work for you? Something like this: By sending your patients and prospective patients a regular dental email newsletter, you keep your practice and your practice services fresh in their minds. So, the next time they need any kind of dental service, they think of you first. In fact, as they continue to receive your practice's email newsletter, they think of you as the only practice for dental services.

Benefits of a Dental Email Newsletter
- Inexpensive patient communication tool
- Drive patients to your website and your practice
- Build a bond with your patients
- Provide practice news and updates to all patients
- Best results when combined with direct mail
Call VivioSites to Get Started on your Email Marketing Campaign
The creative staff at VivioSites has the knowledge and technology to manage all aspects of your dental practice's email newsletter. VivioSites can design your newsletter, write your articles, and send it to your database of subscribers. We can also create a sign-up box on your homepage so website visitors can also receive your newsletter.
Why wait any longer to send out your dental practice newsletter? It's so easy when you partner with VivioSites. Call us at (800) 227-2513 or contact us online today to learn more!